
Laptop Radiation - Truth or Myth; How to protect yourself?
As with any radio signal based electronic devices, laptops too emit harmful electromagnetic frequency (EMF) waves that can be dangerous to users. Anot...
Free Hearing test app & Ear test software for Windows 10 PC
Think you are hard of hearing and want to test your hearing at home before you decide to go to a Doctor? Ear Test software is designed to give you a q...
Health problems caused by Smartphones overuse
Technology comes at a cost. It is not just about the monetary costs. In this article, I put down some health-related costs that come with using or ove...
Mobile Phones Health Hazards, Risks and Dangers
How much time do you spend on your cell phone? Do you know the mobile phones' health hazards and risks caused because they keep on emitting radio wave...
Break Reminder software to help you take a break from Computer screens
We all know how bad it is to continuously stare at our computer screens. In this day and age computers form an essential part of the workspace, and in...
Probleme de sănătate, la fiecare peste 40 de utilizatori ai computerului ar trebui să fie conștienți!
Până la vârsta de 40 de ani, corpul tău a suferit și se confruntă cu o cantitate echitabilă de uzură. Deci, te face mult mai vulnerabil la orice peric...
Cele mai bune aplicații gratuite White Noise pentru Windows 10
Lumea a parcurs un drum lung de liniștea naturii. Cu toate acestea, în bine sau în rău, noi oamenii nu am evoluat pentru a prefera zgomotul și frecven...
Cum să vă așezați în fața computerului Ergonomia computerului
Unii oameni petrec mai mult de 6-10 ore pe zi în fața computerelor. Sunt atât de absorbiți de activitățile lor, încât nu acordă atenție posturilor lor...
Workrave is a free software to control your time on the computer
Workrave is a freeware program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and generally...