Apeluri de sistem
Ce este un apel de sistem în Linux și cum funcționează cu exemple
Un apel de sistem este o funcție care permite unui proces să comunice cu nucleul Linux. Este doar o modalitate programatică pentru un program de calcu...
What Is a Linux System Call?
First Things First Before we delve into the definition of a Linux system call and examine the details of its execution, it is best to start with defin...
Linux Exec System Call
The exec system call is used to execute a file which is residing in an active process. When exec is called the previous executable file is replaced an...
Fork System Call Linux
Fork System Call The fork system call is used to create a new processes. The newly created process is the child process. The process which calls fork ...
Stat System Call Linux Tutorial
Linux System Calls System calls provided by the linux kernel are exposed in the C programming language via glibc. When a system call is used, you are...