Task Manager

How to monitor GPU Usage in Windows 10 using Task Manager
The Task Manager is one stop application to monitor all processes, memory, Network, CPU, and resource usage that Windows requires.  However, there is ...
GPU process memory counters report incorrect values in Windows 10
In today's post, we will explore the symptoms, reproduce the issue and then provide the possible mitigation for the issue where the GPU process memory...
How to understand and use the Heat Map on Windows Task Manager
We have seen how the Windows Task Manager has evolved from Windows 3 to Windows 10 and also touched upon the new features which we could expect to see...
How to force quit a Full-Screen Always-On-Top Program or Game in Windows 10
Let us say that you have a Program or a Game open in the full-screen always-on-top mode, where even your Taskbar is not visible and the application fr...
Transformați Windows 10 Task Manager într-un widget folosind View Summary
Am văzut cum putem folosi modul Tiny Footprint în Windows Task Manager pentru a ascunde bara de meniu și filele și a le folosi ca gadget. În această p...
Cum se activează sau se dezactivează Managerul de activități în Windows 10
Windows 10 Task Manager oferă mai multe informații despre procese. Puteți găsi cu ușurință aplicația care utilizează procesorul, memoria, discul și ut...
Eliminați programele de pornire moarte sau intrările nevalide din Managerul de activități din Windows 10
În Windows 10 Task Manager, puteți activa sau dezactiva elementele listate în fila Startup, dar nu este prevăzută nicio opțiune pentru a șterge intrăr...
Resize & Use Task Manager as a Desktop Gadget in Windows 7
Task Manager in Windows 7 and earlier, offers what is officially known as Tiny Footprint mode. The mode lets you remove or hide the menu bar and tabs ...
How to open Task Manager in Windows 10
The Windows Task Manager helps in getting information about computer performance, running applications, processes and more. In short, you can use the ...