
Stop Windows 10 from Getting To Know You

Stop Windows 10 from Getting To Know You

Windows 10 offers a feature that lets the operating system and Cortana, get to know and recognize your voice and writing, so that it can make better suggestions to you. It does so by collecting information like handwriting patterns, speech variations, calendar events, contacts and so on. If you do not want this to happen and would like to stop Windows 10 and Cortana getting to know you you can turn off or disable this feature.

Turn off Getting To Know You in Windows 10

You can turn the Speech, inking, and typing setting, also called as Getting to know you feature On or Off via Settings.

To disable this feature, open Settings > Privacy > Speech, inking & typing.

Here click on the Stop getting to know me button - and then Turn off.

When you do this, Windows 10 will turn off diction and Cortana and also clear information on your device that Windows uses to give you a better experience.

To turn it on again, click on the Get to know me button.

If you have privacy concerns, you may want to turn off this feature.

Additionally, you may turn the Send Microsoft info about how I write setting on or off in Settings > General.

There are also a few other Windows 10 Privacy Settings, you may want to take a look at.

Our freeware Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10, too offers some excellent tweaks to harden your privacy settings.

Read: Windows 10 Privacy Issues: How much data is Microsoft really collecting?

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