
Pick Me for Windows Selects multimedia files randomly

Pick Me for Windows Selects multimedia files randomly

If you are a music lover or a complete movie bluff then I am sure you must be having Gigabytes of music files stored on your hard drive. Having such a huge pool of resources, makes it difficult to find the item of your choice. Sometimes you might even be wondering what you want to play. Manually browsing the folders to do this has become an age-old method. Try Pick Me for Windows instead.

Pick me for Windows is a simple program, a random file selector from the Donation Coder forum. The program has its purpose - it generates a list of random multimedia files for you to choose from and play.

Pick Me for Windows

Once you have downloaded the program, double-click on the zip file and run the program. It should be up and running in seconds. A window should appear on your computer screen as shown in the screen-shot below.

This is also the main interface of the program. Looks quite simple, isn't it?

Now all you need to do is follow some steps as highlighted below:

First, select the source directory. Kindly note that that all sub-folders are automatically processed as well.

Choose the file extensions that you would like the program to include in the selection process. The program supports multimedia file formats such as video, music, text, etc. You can even create a custom list.

When done, click on the pick me button to create the list of random results. The response time is fast.

Once the extensions are specified, Pick me scans all matching files in the folder and displays a list of results on the next page. It returns the results in a matter of seconds. A double-click on the result opens Windows Explorer with the file selected automatically.

Features missing in Pick me:

On final note, in moments of indecision, Pick me looks ideal for playing media files that you need to watch or listen in a certain order. It works really well with movies, music, images and documents.

Visit Donation Coder Forum and download the program from there. The program can be downloaded as a zip file of size approximately 56.9 KB.

Update: Direct download link added.

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