
Make Cortana display Weather information for multiple locations

Make Cortana display Weather information for multiple locations

Once you have Microsoft's digital assistant Cortana set up on your Windows 10 computer, you can get information cards based on your liking like weather report for multiple locations. Based on the weather information you can plan your local travel. The feature appears as a default status tile for Cortana if you have the weather interest enabled. If required, you can add multiple locations to weather interest, in addition to the current location. There are several things you can do with Cortana, now lets take a look at how to make Cortana display Weather information for multiple locations in Windows 10.

Make Cortana display Weather information for multiple locations

Launch Cortana and wait for few seconds to allow the weather card to appear. The weather card fails to appear instantly since; the digital assistant assumes you've accessed the service for something else. When the weather card appears click the more actions button (the three dots).

Next, click on the 'Edit notebook' option, scroll down and chose the option that reads as Add a city. It's always advisable to have Nearby Forecast turned on to have information beforehand about how the weather is like in the region.

Type in or enter the city name whose weather information you would like to track. You can add multiple locations this way.

As you can see in the screenshot above I have added weather information about 2 more cities in addition to the current location/place.

Please note that the locations you add always appear in the end below the weather forecast for your current location. So, if you have multiple cards enabled in Cortana, the new weather card will be added at the very end instead of just below the weather card for your current location. For placing them in the preferred order you will have to disable and enable them again in the order you desire.

That's all there is to it!

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