
Fix Broken Change PC Settings link after upgrading to Windows 8.1

Fix Broken Change PC Settings link after upgrading to Windows 8.1

Since Windows 8.1 was made available officially in Windows Store for the users using Windows 8, most of the users have tried to update their system to Windows 8.1. But after upgrading to Windows 8.1, some users are complaining about broken Change PC Settings link while navigating through Settings Charm (pressing Windows Key + I combination reveals this).

According to a user, when he clicks this broken link, nothing happens and the system takes him back to the Start Screen; while according to another user, he gets up the blank screen after clicking this link. While you may see our earlier post on how to fix Change PC Settings does not open in Windows 8, if it does not help, you may want to read this post, which is based on the discussion which took place here. If Change PC Settings link is broken, wont open, doesn't work or crashes in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, then this post will help you fix the problem.

Broken Change PC Settings link in Windows 8.1

1. Open the administrative Command Prompt and paste the following command there and hit Enter key:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest.xml

2. Actually this is a Windows PowerShell command, but when you enter this into administrative Command Prompt, the window title turns to Windows PowerShell while command execution is being done, and then when done, the system returns to the same directory but the thing changed now is that the issue is fixed after the successful execution of this command.

Now however, without rebooting the system, you can try to click on “Change PC Settings” link, and it should work fine now but still we suggest you to reboot once to get the things right as they should be.

We hope Microsoft will release a Hotfix soon to fix out this issue, till then you can try our fix.

See this if Change PC Settings does not open in Windows 8.

Windows 10 user? See Windows 10 Known Issues and how to fix them.

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