
Download Windows 8 & Windows RT End User Training Brochure

Download Windows 8 & Windows RT End User Training Brochure

Microsoft has released a brochure titled Meet the new Windows. It is an excellent training brochure and guide which every new Windows 8 end user must read.

Windows 8 End User Training Brochure & Guide

This Windows 8 End User Training Brochure, is something which Microsoft should have released along with the release of Windows 8 - but as they say, better late than never!

Whether you're collaborating on a large project, preparing for an upcoming conference, or traveling for work, you can use touch, mouse, and keyboard together-seamlessly-to do what you want, with Windows 8.

Not too wordy, the brochure consists of around 36 pages, with every page illustrating a feature or a how-too, with a short description, which is very easy to understand. It actually holds your hands and takes you through most of the new features in Windows 8, that will help you get started with the new operating system. It will show you how to get around, navigate, manage apps, and personalize in Windows 8.

Go get this must-have brochure from Microsoft. It will definitely help you learn how to use Windows 8.

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