
Download Personal Safety in the Cloud, whitepaper from Microsoft

Download Personal Safety in the Cloud, whitepaper from Microsoft

In recent years, we've seen explosive growth in cloud computing; the use of PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and servers to connect seamlessly with applications, services, and data hosted in large, offsite datacenters.

As the volume of content and interactions enabled by cloud computing has grown, the potential for users to encounter objectionable material or face other online risks has increased.

Microsoft is working towards promoting greater online trust and safety through a range of measures, by incorporating online safety features and tools into its  products and services, like Windows Azure.

Just a few days back we had posted about the security issues involved with Cloud computing.

In light of growing public awareness about online safety and interest in cloud computing, Microsoft has prepared this paper to examine the issues involved and offer an overview of the company's online safety efforts.

This paper also identifies a number of ways that policymakers can help protect individuals online, including enacting stronger laws against cybercrime and child exploitation, supporting industry self-regulatory principles, promoting Internet safety education in schools, and funding research on online risks.

Download: Microsoft.

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