
Coverity Scan Service Hacked!

Coverity Scan Service Hacked!

The Register is reporting that the Coverity community server used by open source projects was hacked and being used for cryptocurrency mining. OMG, what is the world coming to?

Synopsys, the company which owns Coverity was quoted by as saying: “The service was down for about four weeks. We took the service down immediately upon discovering the unauthorized access. We engaged a leading computer forensics company to independently assist in the investigation, and kept the service down until we completed the investigation. The investigation reported no evidence that database files or artifacts uploaded by the open source community users of the Coverity Scan service were accessed.”

The system is apparently now restored and the company is working with security consultants. This on the heals of the widely public Scarlett Johansson PostgreSQL cryptocurrency hacking, has us all wondering how to shutdown these types of attacks.

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