Windows 8

A Sneak Peek at the Windows 8 Metro style Applications

A Sneak Peek at the Windows 8 Metro style Applications

Microsoft recently released Windows 8 Developer Preview and showcased a few great Apps with this pre-beta release. All the built-in Apps have maintained a predefined personality guideline that is harmonious with the Metro style.

Let us takea sneak peek at some of the Windows 8 Apps.

Socialite is a Metro style application platform for Facebook, featuring a touch first interface. Its home-screen contains Tiles for News Feed, Profile, Photos and Friends. The tiles randomly selects relevant pictures from your profile and displays it on the home page and makes it more interesting to use. When you click the friends tile, it will open the friends list grouped alphabetically. The News Feed tile, opens the feeds from friends.

[email protected] is a Twitter Application which enables and allows for easy tweeting and keeping a track on others tweets.

Weather  is a beautiful and stunning example of clean typography of Metro style Applications. It broadcasts the current weather condition along with an animation matching to the weather condition of that place in the background. You can choose your current location from the settings and can share the screen-shot using the Share charm of the system User Interface.

Picstream uses the Flicker API to stream pictures. The pictures are streamed in tiles when the program is running at background.

The Tiles in Windows 8 are used in place of traditional Icons and play an important role in making the system look and feel alive. The application updates are displayed in Tiles itself. Whether it be your stock market change, alarm notifications or Twitter feed; these updates are featured in the Tiles.

To experience the touch language of Windows 8 with its simple, consistent and fluid Apps, download Windows 8 Developer Preview for now.

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