
7APL - An application launcher for Windows 7

7APL - An application launcher for Windows 7

7APL is an application launcher made with Windows 7 in mind. You can launch single applications or group of applications with a single hot key or by using Windows 7 newest features,


7APL gives you 3 easy ways to launch applications:

- Right click access to profiles through JumpLists
- Customizable hot keys for each individual profile
- Interactive thumbnail to view or launch profiles

Feature List:

Profiles - Group applications into profiles to launch them simultaneously.

Profile pictures - Associate pictures with profiles to easily identify between them.

Hotkeys - Specify hotkeys on a per-profile basis to launch your applications

Interactive thumbnail - Launch profiles directly from the taskbar

JumpList support - Launch profiles or tasks directly using jump lists

Toggle Mode - Toggle-mode allows you to close the apps you launched

Exceptions - Pesky applications that won't close can be added as an exception

Pinning - The application pins just fine for those who want it constantly running

Options - Run 7APL at system boot, minimize on startup, and minimize on close ensures you can keep the launcher running at all times if desired.

Home Page :

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