Windows - Pagină 2

Microsoft promises to improve Windows Store quality, again
Microsoft announced plans yesterday to enforce "a more robust approach to the app certification policy for both new and existing apps to ensure custom...
How to run command prompt commands from desktop shortcuts in Windows
If you need to run command prompt commands regularly in Windows, it may be useful to save the command somehow so that you can run it whenever the need...
A first look at Windows Firewall Notifier 2
Windows Firewall Notifier, which we reviewed back in 2011 for the first time, is a third-party program that improves the usability of the default fire...
Wallpapers Bot brings thousands of wallpapers to your system
Thousands of sites on the Internet offer free wallpapers which make dedicated wallpaper programs for operating system something that most users don't ...
Microsoft Fix It to improve Windows performance
Microsoft released a Fix It solution for all current versions of Windows that diagnoses the performance of the system to improve it if issues are foun...
Emergency Patch for Windows vulnerability MS15-078 released (KB3079904)
Microsoft pushed out an emergency patch yesterday via automatic updates to all supported versions of its Windows operating system that patches a criti...
Find out if your Windows PC is infected with Hacking Team malware
A leak pushed hundreds of Gigabyte of data from Italian based company Hacking Team into the open.While analysis of the data is still ongoing, it resul...
What is Wi-Fi Sense and should you be using it?
It can be quite frustrating if friends, family members or colleagues want to access the Internet at your place.While some routers support guest accoun...
Fix Windows Shell Experience Host process using too much memory/CPU
The Windows Shell Experience Host process may use quite a bit of memory or CPU when it is running.To find out whether this is the case on your machine...