Excel - Pagină 4

Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology developed by Microsoft that allows Office applications to interact with other applications. It allo...
How to convert Columns to Rows in Excel with Formulas
At times, you may want to convert data in one column to organized data in Excel. This is especially the case when you copy-paste unorganized data from...
How to count the number of Yes or No entries in Excel
In a list, you might need to count the number of Yes and No entries. This article discusses how to count the number of “Yes” or “No” answers in Excel....
How to add prefix or suffix to a range of cells in Excel
If you need to add a certain prefix or suffix to a list across a column in Microsoft Excel or Excel online, then this article will be helpful. For ins...
How to convert currencies in Excel
Imagine a situation in which you are presented with an Excel sheet in which a number of monetary values are placed in a certain column. You might need...
How to extract & list all dates between two dates in Excel
Imagine a situation in which you need to create a date-wise table. For example, you are creating a schedule where you need to mention a date-wise list...
How to Merge and Unmerge cells in Excel
Merging and unmerging cells in Excel is helpful while organizing lists when creating titles/subtitles, or removing them. There are different types of ...
How to remove text before or after a specific character in Excel
While working with Microsoft Excel sheets, you might need to remove the first few characters, or last few characters, or both from the text. Removing ...
How to insert Multiple Blank Rows in Excel at once
Microsoft Excel always fascinates me with its awesome features which help us do lots of stuff easily. If you are dealing with a lot of data and as it ...