
Windows 10 English vs. English International - Which one to choose when?

Windows 10 English vs. English International - Which one to choose when?

Microsoft allows you to install Windows 10 or reinstall Windows 10 using ISO file. Whenever you are downloading ISO file from the Microsoft ISO download web page, or creating an installation media, you will see options to select the language. Microsoft offers more than 100 languages which you can choose provided you have a valid license. For some users, selecting a language is a no brainer step, while for users who live in English speaking countries, this step can be quite confusing. The reason is that the ISO download page will provide you with two options Windows 10 English and English International. Choosing the right language between the two options can be confusing for many.

Generally speaking, there are far more similarities between the two versions than differences. If you are unable to decide between the options, you are in the right place. In this article, we explain the difference between Windows 10 English and English International and, help you understand which one best suits for your region.

Windows 10 English vs. English International

Windows 10 English and English Internation have the same features and functionality. However, it has a few minor differences when it comes to default settings and spellings. If you live in the UK, US, or any other English speaking country and find it confusing to select between the language English and English International, read further to get the clear difference between the two.


Windows 10 comes with the same features irrespective of which language version you are using. The main difference between the Windows 10 English and English International is the spelling. Both the version has few minor spelling differences like the English version drops the usage of letter u in some words in order to match the spelling with pronunciation. For example, the Windows 10 English International spells the word as 'coloUr' while English version spells the word as 'colOr'.Similarly, the word 'personaliZation' in the English version is spelled as 'personaliSation' in Windows 10 English International. In general, Windows 10 International targets people who know British English and English version are meant for the Window users living in the United States.

Default Settings

Apart from the differences in spelling, the two versions have few variations in the default settings. The two variants targets users across different regions, and hence, they display different default time zones, currency, and metrics. The Windows 10 English version has US Pacific Time(PST) as its default Time zone as it targets users from the United States and the clock displays time in 12 hours format. Meanwhile, the Windows 10 English international version has a default time zone set to its country and the clock displays time in 24 hrs format. Additionally, the two version displays currency and metrics specific to the users living in the UK, US, and other international English speaking countries.

Wrapping up

Both the Windows 10 English and English Internation embeds the same features and functionality. However, it has a few minor differences when it comes to default settings and spellings. Depending on the country you live in, you can easily switch to the languages and choose the appropriate option that you want to have on your computer during the initial setup.

Hope this clarifies the subject.

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