
Microsoft releases Classic American Road Trip Windows 7 theme

Microsoft releases Classic American Road Trip Windows 7 theme

Yet another fine themepack for Windows 7 from Microsoft! This theme for Windows 7 takes you back to the age of vintage cars, Route 66, and cheap gasoline.

Grab your cat-eye sunglasses and jump in the station wagon! Summer is here and it's time for an all-American road trip. Bring your own lemonade and picnic basket. Classic American scenery provided.

This 10MB theme pack contains 15 wallpapers and it can be downloaded from Microsoft here.

Want to just use the wallpapers? Learn how you can extract the wallpapers. Also learn how to make a Windows 7 themepack if you don't know yet, how to.

I am sure you know by now that Windows 7 themes can be used only in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate editions.

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