Social Media

Install Anatine 1.x.x “Pristine Twitter App” on Linux

Install Anatine 1.x.x “Pristine Twitter App” on Linux

Anatine is an open source Pristine Twitter like app developed for OS X, Linux, and Windows OS. This app offers you some nice features which includes a lovely Dark mode theme and it also runs at the background when you close the app. The most recent update in the v1.x.x series addresses some CSS issues, especially with dark mode.

Highlights of Features

Dark mode

Background Behavior

Keyboard Shortcuts

All recent updates to Anatine

How to install Anatine 1.x.x “Pristine Twitter app” on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04

wget sudo unzip Anatine-linux-*.zip -d /opt/Anatine
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/anatine.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=Anatine Exec=/opt/Anatine/Anatine Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/opt/Anatine/resources/app/static/Icon.png

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