
How to Install PHP 8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10

How to Install PHP 8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10
PHP is a general-purpose, server-side scripting language that can be used to create dynamic web content, perform database management, and even create an entire e-commerce website. Some other notable benefits of using PHP include the following:

This article shows you how to install the latest version of PHP in Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10.

Installing PHP 8 in Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10

The first step in installing PHP is to get the newest version of PHP. To do so, enable the repository using the following command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

After adding the repository, use the following command to update the packages list:

$ sudo apt update

Now, to install PHP 8.0, use the command below:

$ sudo apt install php8.0

To check whether the latest version of PHP is installed on your device, enter the following command:

$ php -v

The output shows the version of PHP installed on the system.

How to Uninstall PHP from Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10

To uninstall PHP from your device, use the following command:

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove php8.0

After you issue the command above, PHP 8 will be deleted from your device. To remove the repository, use the following command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ondrej/php


PHP is a popular and easy-to-learn server-side language. It is used to developed dynamic websites, is free, and can interact with different databases. This guide showed you how to install the latest version of PHP in Ubuntu, as well as the process of removing it from your device.

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