
How to Convert Integer into String in Python

How to Convert Integer into String in Python

Python has several built-in data types. Sometimes, when writing Python code, you might need to convert one data type to another. For example, concatenate a string and integer, first, you'll need to convert the integer into a string.

This article explains how to convert a Python integer to a string.

Python str() Function #

In Python, we can convert integers and other data types to strings using the built-in str() function.

The str() function returns a string version of a given object. It takes the following forms:

class str(object=") class str(object=b", encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') 

The function accepts three arguments, but usually, when converting an integer to a string, you'll pass only one argument (object) to the function.

Converting a Python Integer into String #

To convert the integer 23 to a string version, simply pass the number into the str() function:

str(23) type(days) 

The quotes around 23 indicate that the number is not an integer but is an object of string type. Also, the type() function shows that the object is a string.

In Python, strings are declared using single ('), double ("), or triple quotes (""").

Concatenating Strings and Integers #

Let's try to concatenate strings and integers using the + operator and print the result:

number = 6 lang = "Python" quote = "There are " + number + " relational operators in " + lang + "." print(quote) 

Python will throw a TypeError exception error because it cannot concatenate strings and integers:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in  TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str 

To convert the integer to a string, pass the integer to the str() function:

number = 6 lang = "Python" quote = "There are " + str(number) + " relational operators in " + lang + "." print(quote) 

Now when you run the code, it will be executed successfully:

There are 6 relational operators in Python. 

There are also other ways to concatenate strings and numbers.

The built-in string class provides a format() method that formats a given string using an arbitrary set of positional and keyword arguments:

number = 6 lang = "Python" quote = "There are  relational operators in .".format(number, lang) print(quote) 
There are 6 relational operators in Python. 

On Python 3.6 and later, you can use f-strings, which are literal strings prefixed with 'f' containing expressions inside braces:

number = 6 lang = "Python" quote = f"There are number relational operators in lang." print(quote) 
There are 6 relational operators in Python. 

Lastly, you can use the old %-formatting:

number = 6 lang = "Python" quote = "There are %s relational operators in %s." % (number, lang) print(quote) 
There are 6 relational operators in Python. 

Conclusion #

In Python, you can convert an integer to a string using the str() function.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment.

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