Social Media

How to become a LinkedIn influencer

How to become a LinkedIn influencer

While it's comparatively easy to become an influencer on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even on YouTube, being an influencer on LinkedIn is completely different. While on those social platforms, you are surrounded by consumers, LinkedIn is for professionals, and it's much harder or rather challenging on LinkedIn. In this post, I am listing a few strategies which you can use on LinkedIn.

How to become a LinkedIn influencer

While there can be many, here are some practical tips to be an influencer on LinkedIn:

  1. Build a Profile that people can trust
  2. Share your thoughts, but be thoughtful about it.
  3. Develop Skills & Endorsements
  4. Build Relationships
  5. Choose LinkedIn Premium.

As you start using it often, you will learn more techniques.

1] Build a Profile that people can trust

LinkedIn is a professional platform where people mostly connect for professional work and less for fun. So a profile with the least details on your whereabouts will never let people trust you.

Linked offers a profile page where you can talk about yourself in detail. It gives a clear idea about who you are, where you work, what kind of skills you carry, and so on. You should have a well-written, and complete Bio. A profile picture and details about yourself, which includes work experience, skills, and more.

Since your profile is the face any professional would see, it better be the best so they can trust. If your profile is not well built, neither the brands will approach you nor any professionals would like to connect further.

2] Share your thoughts, but be thoughtful about it.

LinkedIn isn't a regular social media where you can fuss about anything. The environment is professional and business-oriented. Its the professionals hearing you, and if you are speaking about which is around profession or business, chances are you will gain more traction on LinkedIn, and influence more people.

People on LinkedIn are smart, and they do not want this platform to get ruined. On top of this, it's your profession you are representing. Make sure to share your thoughts often, but be always careful to analyze what kind of impact it will make.

Read: How to use LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word.

3] Develop Skills & Endorsements

As you progress through your work, get prompted, meet more people, make sure you have the skills listed. The more skills you have, the chances of people finding you would be a lot better. LinkedIn offers search by skills, and this will be useful.

The second very important featured you get on LinkedIn is Endorsement. As you connect with more people who you have worked with, get their recommendations. As more people start recommending you, the profile becomes stronger.

However, here is one thing about Endorsements. Make sure to get a detailed endorsement, then a couple of words. When you request for any endorsement, ask the person to write detailed experience, and maybe you can also suggest adding a few points as a reminder to him.

4] Build Relationship over Money

You cant make money unless you have customers and followers. So even if you are on LinkedIn to ultimately make a profit, you cannot just start doing that. Just like in any business, you need to build a relationship with customers, businesses, and most importantly, people, you need to follow a similar pattern here. There are three steps in doing it:

As your relationship gets better, the opportunities will start following you which will turn into money and profit.

5] Choose LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn offers premium plans which can be used for Carrier or Business. Depending on how you plan to market your profile, you can choose between them. Each has its benefit, but as your engagement increases, you may need it.

When you switch to Carrier, you get to see additional information on posted jobs, salary, watch on-demand videos. You can also see how you compare to other applications, and learn new skills.  It helps you make connections and find a job.

When it comes to Business,  you get access to 15 InMail messages, the option to contact anyone on LinkedIn, even if you're not connected, see business insights, see any number of people, and their profile and so on.

There are two more premium plans - Sales and Hiring. If you are a person into them, it's best suited to choose those profiles.

The point is that you can get access to more data, and more people, especially the search. It helps you figure out connections a lot more easily than a standard profile.

Read next:

  1. How to become an Influencer on Twitter
  2. How to become a YouTube Influencer
  3. How to become a Pinterest Influencer
  4. How to become an Influencer on Instagram.
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