Windows Apps

Fresh Paint for Windows 8

Fresh Paint for Windows 8

All of us are familiar with the Paint application for Windows, which has been a part of the operating system for as long as one can remember. Microsoft has completely re-imagined Paint and released Fresh Paint as a Windows Store app for Windows 8. Fresh Paint has it all - paints, pastels, pencils, papers, canvas and more!

The app started out as a Microsoft Research project, and is now the #1 app in the Entertainment category in the Windows Store based on the number of downloads and rave reviews it has received.

Fresh Paint for Windows 8

Fresh Paint will let you discover delightfully real paint that behaves like real paint where it should and better than real where you need it. You can blend and mix colors to get just the look you want and help your kids be creative and explore their imagination! It tries to provide a realistic painting experience. It uses an engine that helps it to deliver real-time fluid dynamics on-screen. The engine emulates the experience you get when applying colors, paints to surfaces such as canvas or papers using tools like brush, pencils, etc.

Since the program is digital it has many advantages over analog painting. Firstly, you can undo your paint strokes anytime using the 'Undo' feature or Dry the paint instantly with the help of a spinning fan - this saves the image. You even create the ripples in water, when you clean your brush. Besides, there are lots of editing options available to ensure your ideas are exactly translated onto the digital canvas.

To install it, visit the Windows Store and click on the Install button. The size of the app is approximately 30 MB and so may take some time to install. Once installed, you can start using the application right away.

You can adjust the thickness of the tools, mix paints to get the desired paint and begin creating your masterpiece.

You can even choose the surface of your choice.

Fresh Paint even allows social sharing via Windows 8 charms bar integration too. If you would like to export the painting to a folder, you can easily do so by clicking on the Export button, choosing a file name and saving it to the desired folder.

When you mix colors, they will react as real paint will. Fresh Paint actually recreates the feeling of 'real painting' by modeling height, thickness, deposits, mixture of paints, and the properties of paper and canvas. This is all thanks the Fresh Paint engineering team developing a physics engine that simulates how mediums interact.

With the release of the Fresh Paint app, Microsoft has really changed the way we paint on the computer.

Visit the Windows Store and download the Fresh Paint app. I am sure that you and your family will like it!

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