Gestionarea discului

du Command on Linux

du Command on Linux
Every Linux distro comes up with a number of tools integrated into the system. Each of the tools has their own purposes. “du” is such a tool that's part of the standard Unix/Linux. This tool is used for getting info on disk usage and directories on machines. There are a number of available parameters that you can use for getting results in many formats. Here are some of the most useful commands of “du”.

“du” examples

In the output, the first column is the disk usage amount and the second column is the list of files present in that directory.

The first column shows the number of disk blocks the corresponding file is occupying.

As you've noticed, you can use multiple flags together with “du”.

More “du” commands

“du” offers a huge collection of features. You can find out all of them using the man page for “du”.

man du

Every time you need help, you don't have to open up a terminal and run the command again. You can dump the guide into a text file. Run the following command -

man du > ~/Desktop/du.txt


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