
7 Fantastic Windows 7 Themes

7 Fantastic Windows 7 Themes

In October last year we took a look at awesome themes available for Windows Vista. Given that the Windows 7 is releasing in a few months, there are already several customized themes available to spice your desktop.

Even we had released a simple visual style for Windows 7 back in February named One World. You can also download our 14 awesome Windows 7 themes that comes with multiple wallpapers.

In this post, we are showcasing some of the best themes available for Windows 7 till date. Note that full credit goes to the respective authors.

Update Jan 2014: Most of the themes mentioned below are no longer available to download. We suggest you check some other articles to find new themes (vidual styles) released for Windows 7.

1. Windows 8 theme:


2. Aero diamond theme (x64):


3. Max clear live black theme:


4. Leopard theme:


5. Sico theme:


6. One World theme:


7. Longhorn theme:


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