
How to Find Element by Text with Selenium
Locating and selecting elements from the web page is the key to web scraping with Selenium. You can select elements using a tag name, ID, class name, ...
Using XPath and Selenium to Find an Element in HTML Page
XPath, also known as XML Path Language, is a language for selecting elements from an XML document. As HTML and XML follow the same document structure,...
Locating Elements by CSS Selectors with Selenium
Locating and selecting elements from the web page is the key to web scraping with Selenium. For locating and selecting elements from the web page, you...
Cum să obțineți adresa URL actuală cu seleniu
Seleniul este un instrument pentru testarea browserului, automatizarea web și răzuirea web. În timp ce lucrați la proiectele dvs. Selenium, poate fi n...
Cum să reîmprospătați pagina cu seleniu
Reîmprospătarea paginilor web este o acțiune foarte frecventă. Reîmprospătăm pagina web pentru a vedea rezultatele actualizate. Același lucru este val...
How to Wait for a Page to Load with Selenium
While web automation or web scraping with Selenium web driver, you may face problems like the element you want to select is not available or the butto...
How to Take a Screenshot with Selenium
Selenium is a great tool for browser testing, web automation, and web scraping. You can also use Selenium to take screenshots of your webpage. This is...
Running Selenium Headless with Chrome
If you want to do Selenium web automation or web scrapping with Chrome web browser, it runs the graphical version of the Chrome web browser by default...
Using Selenium with Firefox Driver
Selenium is a great tool for browser testing, web automation, and web scraping. Selenium can control most of the modern web browsers. i.e., Firefox, C...