
Cele mai bune aplicații pentru a lua note pentru Linux
Acest articol va acoperi aplicațiile utile pentru luarea de note pentru Linux. Lista va include aplicații gratuite și open source, dezvoltate folosind...
QOwnNotes - NotePad Text Editor with ownCloud Support
QOwnNotes is a free, open-source notepad text editor with markdown support, as well as todo list manager for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. It optionaly...
Install Piggydb - A Flexible Diary Notebook DB on Linux
Piggydb is a flexible and scalable knowledge building platform that supports a heuristic or bottom-up approach to discover new concepts or ideas based...
How to Install Notepadqq - A Linux Notepad++ alternative
Notepadqq is a free linux alternative to the most widely used text editor Notepad++. This is an ideal app developed to help developers, by providing a...