Comenzi Linux - Pagină 2

Cum se elimină liniile goale dintr-un fișier în Linux
Liniile goale nu sunt întotdeauna de dorit și este posibil să simțiți nevoia să le lăsați afară și să rămâneți doar cu liniile care conțin text. Linux...
Linux hdparm Command Tutorial
In Linux-type systems, the “hdparm” command tool is used to provide the interface for kernel-supported devices. It is to display the drive disk statis...
How to Run Linux “getent” Command
In the Linux operating system, tons of command-line tools are used to get user's details from a database. So, here's one of the commands, which is cal...
How to Run 'groups' command in Linux
In Linux, there is user and groups; users use the system, and groups are logical frameworks for managing a set of users. Users can be categorized into...
How to Work with Linux Expr command
The “expr” is a Linux command-line utility that evaluates and displays the output of an expression. It calculates integer and string expressions, incl...
How to shut down your Linux system
Linux comes with different utilities that allow the device to be rebooted, stopped, or turned off by a system administrator. To run commands, one must...
How to Measure and Show Progress of the “dd” command in Linux?
The “dd” command in Linux is used to convert and copy files from one place to another. However, by default, this command is not programmed to show the...
How to Install NTP Using Chrony in Linux
Keeping accurate date and time on a Linux system is essential because many services such as cron jobs and scripts rely on accurate time to function as...
Linux rulează mai multe comenzi în paralel
Procesarea în paralel este conceptul de a rula mai multe procese simultan. Acest concept este esența sistemelor informatice moderne de astăzi. În acel...