
Cele mai bune browsere bazate pe text Linux
În trecut, Internetul era alcătuit în mare parte din pagini simple și text. Aceste pagini ar putea fi accesate de computerele cu consum redus de energ...
Imprimați în PDF în Firefox; Cele mai bune tehnici
Te-ai întrebat vreodată!! Cum puteți converti întreaga pagină web în fișier PDF, astfel încât să o puteți imprima sau să o salvați pe desktop pentru a...
How to Enable Firefox Dark Mode on Ubuntu
Dark Themes, dark modes, and dark colors are getting popular nowadays among many computer users due to their tremendous amount of advantages. Traditio...
How to Force Firefox to Never Save Any Password
When browsing the internet, your privacy is one of the most important concerns. There are a number of parties keeping track of your activities, locati...
Getting the Latest Version of Firefox on Linux Mint 19
Linux Mint is obviously one of the most popular Linux distros for its simplicity and user-friendly attitude. It comes up with a number of handy, pre-i...
Best Video Downloaders for Firefox
Top 10 Video Downloaders for Firefox Even if there are many online media streaming websites like YouTube and DailyMotion available on the Internet, ma...
20 Firefox Shortcut Key Combinations
20 Firefox Shortcut Key combinations that will make your browsing experience even better If you spend a lot of time surfing on the Internet then you h...
Firefox KungFu Best Firefox Add-ons
Firefox is a very popular web browser among Ubuntu and Linux users and rightly so. It is well known for its add-ons that take your web browsing experi...
How To Open PDF Files In Firefox
There are a number of reasons why computer users prefer Google Chrome over Mozilla Firefox. One of the reasons why many Firefox users switched to Chro...