CAD cilindru openSCAD
cilindru openSCAD
Când pregăteam acest articol, am vrut să aflu ce probleme au oamenii cu openSCAD. Spre surprinderea mea, cea mai frecventă întrebare a fost despre cre...
CAD tutorial openSCAD
tutorial openSCAD
Realizarea unei piese mecanice necesită un desen. A început cu hârtie, iar primele programe CAD au folosit exact același stil. Există chiar și pătrate...
CAD Top 5 CAD software available for Linux
Top 5 CAD software available for Linux
If you're an engineer then you must be familiar with the term “CAD”. Computer Aided Design is a term which is used to define the use of computer techn...
CAD How to install KiCad on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10
How to install KiCad on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and 20.10
KiCad is an open-source, multi-platform electronic design automation (EDA) software suite that assists in designing circuits, schematics, and printed ...
CAD How to install LibreCAD 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20
How to install LibreCAD 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20
LibreCAD is a Computer-aided design (CAD) application that is free and open source. It is a multi-platform application and is available for all major...
CAD How to Install Sweet Home 3D in Linux
How to Install Sweet Home 3D in Linux
Sweet Home 3D is an interior design program that is lightweight, quick, and even free! This program assists in designing and creating 2D floorplans an...