
What is on the other side of your location on Earth?

What is on the other side of your location on Earth?

Curious to find out what is there diametrically opposite to where you are standing now? What you need to do is find out your Antipode.

Two regions on the surface of the Earth that are diametrically opposite to each other are called Antipodes. These two points can be connected by a straight line through the center of the Earth. For instance if you are located in New Zealand, the other side of the world of the antipode would be in Spain.

I tried my location, and well found the antipode to be in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. Well, this is not surprising since less than 4% of land is antipodal to land - again, since over 70% of the earths surface is covered by water!

In the upper map called the Original map, move the marker to your location. You can ofcourse, always zoom in or out to get set the exact or general location.

In the lower Antipode map, you will see what is located on the other side of your world.

To find out what's on other side of YOUR world visit antipodemap.com. The website also shows the exact latitude and longitude and will also allow you to swap the maps too.

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