
System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) in Microsoft Windows 10

System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) in Microsoft Windows 10

The System Preparation Tool (Sysprep), is meant for System Administrators and OEMs, to automate the deployment of Windows 10/8/7 operating system. Once you have performed the initial setup steps on a single computer, you can run the Sysprep tool to prepare the sample computer for cloning and automate the deployment on other computers. It can be found in the \Windows\System32\sysprep folder.

System Preparation Tool - Sysprep

You can use Sysprep along with other deployment tools to install Windows operating systems onto new hardware. It prepares a computer for disk imaging or delivery to a customer by configuring the computer to create a new computer security identifier (SID) when the computer is restarted. In addition, the Sysprep tool cleans up user-specific and computer-specific settings and data that must not be copied to a destination computer.

This video demonstrates how to capture a custom Windows system image using the System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) to generalize the installed image and ImageX to capture the contents of the generalized system image for re-deployment to other computers - including different hardware types.

Do note that KB828287 explicitly mentions that Microsoft does not support the following Sysprep scenarios:

You can easily identify a Windows installation that has been created with the Sysprep Tool.

You can get more information about SysPrep at TechNet. If you need more information on how to identify when the System Preparation Tool for Windows NT 4.0 is used on a computer visit KB180962.

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