Microsoft Account

How to delete or close your Microsoft Account permanently

How to delete or close your Microsoft Account permanently

There might come a day you no longer feel the need to have a Microsoft Account. If that is the case, then in this post, we will show you how to delete your Microsoft Account permanently.

Delete Microsoft Account permanently

The first step into deleting your Microsoft account is to log out of your current account and create a Local Account on your Windows 10 PC. Log into that local account, then click on the Start button and launch the Settings app.

Read: Benefits of using Microsoft Account in Windows 10.

After that, click on the Accounts option and then click on the first option that reads, “Your Account.” Select the Microsoft Account you plan on deleting. Click remove, then “Yes” to confirm.

Your Microsoft Account is now deleted from your Windows 10 computer, but that is not the end of it. Now you will be required to close the account via Microsoft's own website.

Before doing this, make sure to end all subscriptions associated with the software giant, along with removing any cash in the Wallet from the Windows Store. Back up any documents and files you might have on OneDrive, and save them on a separate space on your local hard drive.

Once finished, close your Microsoft Account for good by visiting this page on the Microsoft website.

You'll need to log in before you can go any further.

After gaining access, Microsoft will need to know if you are you say you are - so follow the instructions to make it past this area. It's easy; either have Microsoft send you a code via email or have the company do it via a text message.

This code would then be used to determine if you are the owner of the account.

Finally, once the account closure page comes up, check all boxes then click, “Mark account for closure.”

Bear in mind that it will take 60 days for Microsoft to fully close your account, so should you feel the need to change your mind, do it before the 60 days are up.

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