Control Panel

Control Panel or System Restore window blank in Windows 10

Control Panel or System Restore window blank in Windows 10

A handful of Windows 10/8/7 users have faced this problem. When they opened the Control Panel, it appeared to be blank or completely white. A similar issue is also faced with the System Restore window.

Additionally, some Windows users have also found that when they click on Start, then Control Panel, it may simply show it as Empty. There is no list of applets such as Device Manager, Display, etc.

Control Panel or System Restore window blank

If you face this problem, here are two things you may want to try:

Run System File Checker. Reboot and see if it has helped.

If it does not help, then this could also happen if some of your concerned DLL files have got unregistered due to some reasons. DLL is an abbreviation for “Direct Link Library”. DLLs are libraries of code used in programming for applications to work with the Windows operating system and other applications. They offer multiple functions in one file. The advantage of having DLL files is to save putting a burden on your computer's memory since DLLs are not loaded into RAM until the file is needed.

To fix the problem of Control Panel or System Restore window blank or white, re-register the following three dll files and see if it helps.

vbscript.dll jscript.dll mshtml.dll
This post will show you how to register DLL files.

Hope this helps!

See this post if Control Panel will not open.

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