
Battle For Wesnoth 1.13.6 Development Released

Battle For Wesnoth 1.13.6 Development Released

Battle For Wesnoth 1.13.6 released last month, is the sixth development release in the 1.13.x series and it delivers a number of improvements, most notably to the UI, and bug fixes.

The Battle for Wesnoth is a Free, turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme, featuring both single-player, and online/hotseat multiplayer combat. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim the throne of Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures.

Battle For Wesnoth 1.13.6 Changelog



See changelog for full list

The source code and the Windows installer package are already available on the downloads page.

Install Battle For Wesnoth 1.13.6 Development Release on Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty

--------- Add the Repository --------- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pkg-games/wesnoth-devel --------- Update Repository --------- sudo apt-get update --------- Install Package --------- sudo apt-get install wesnoth-1.13  

In order to learn How To Play the game see see: Tutorial on Battle for Wesnoth

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